Does TinyPic listen to its users? Of course we do!

April 23, 2008

So I bet you are wondering what really prompted all the TinyPic web site changes (you know darn well that there’s no Botox ® for web sites—see TinyPic? Never heard of them.) What really happened is that we did a survey last December, on, to see what features you wanted. Based on your responses, we updated the site!

The four “most asked for” features in the survey were (in order of importance):

  • The ability to upload multiple images simultaneously.
  • Simple editing tools.
  • The ability to permanently save pictures.
  • The ability to delete pictures.

However, to use these features, you need to register (a quick process…Join Now!). When you have an account, all four of the “most asked for” features are available when you sign in. (The last two features in the list are also available for the videos you upload.)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

PLUS you can have a vanity URL :) Want to be Set it up on your Settings page.

I know what your next question is. Why do I have to register to use these features? Well, there are two reasons. First, a multiple upload feature for users who aren’t registered is just an invitation for abuse. Imagine an unscrupulous person uploading all sorts of offensive images in bulk. That’s just a bad scenario. Second, by permanently saving images and videos in your account, TinyPic ensures that only you can delete your images and videos or edit your images. You certainly don’t want someone who’s mad at you touching your stuff!

Go ahead and register! We’re sure you’ll love the new functionality that comes with having a TinyPic account.

One Response to “Does TinyPic listen to its users? Of course we do!”

  1. umonkey Says:

    Please add support for!

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