Our new video player is pretty cool! Not that the old player was bad, of course. But as with most things, there’s always room for improvement. Do you remember the old player? You could link to it and view videos on it; it was a vanilla video player. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. After all, a video player that has too many bells and whistles is likely to hog up lots of resources on your computer. However, there was room for improvement. And so…

Introducing the new, improved TinyPic video player! Ta da!

The first thing you may notice is that the function bar at the bottom, which used to be hidden when you watched a video, is no longer hidden. And while you are looking at the function bar, the second thing you may notice is that there are more icons in the function bar. In addition to the typical play, stop, and volume buttons there are two new buttons:

  • hyperlink Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • view full-screen Image and video hosting by TinyPic

When you click hyperlink, the quick post functionality displays over the video view so you can click a button to post the video to the website of your choice, choose to bookmark or email the video using the links at the top of the quick post display, or copy the code to embed the video within a web page. When you view the video on TinyPic, you see the same quick post links at the left in the Tools or Your Toolbox.

When you click view full-screen, as you may have guessed, the video display takes up your entire monitor (some videos look REALLY BAD at a larger resolution ). You can press the Esc key to close the full-screen view or click view full-screen again — Hey, check it out! The function bar still displays in full-screen view! And all the functionality on the bar works, too!

As always, when you click the TinyPic logo at the top of the video display, the TinyPic website displays.